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2018 MDF Annual Conference Session Videos and Presentations

The 2018 MDF Annual Conference took place Friday, September 14, 2018, through Saturday, September 15, 2018, in Nashville, TN. This year’s conference featured networking, symptom management and research update sessions for community members and a full-day closed research and drug development track for academic and industry professionals. More than 400 families, clinicians, researchers, industry representatives and caregivers attended to improve the lives of people living with myotonic dystrophy.

Videos and presentations from the conference are available via the links below in order of their presentation at the Conference. Caregiver and support group meetings were nto taped and do not have presentations. If a link is not available, the presentation and/or video has not been received or is not yet available. Please check back or contact Myotonic for more information.

Resources & Recordings

Gut Instincts: GI Symptom Management

Leila Neshatian, MD, MSc, Stanford University

Breathe Easy: Respiratory Symptom Management

Valeria Sansone, MD, NEuroMuscular Omnicentre (NEMO)

DM 101: Getting a Handle on the Basics

Nicholas Johnson, MD, Viriginia Commonwealth University

Staying Strong: DM & Exercise

Katy Eichinger, PT, PhD, Stanford University

Becoming a DM Advocate: Community Update & Training

PresentationEmbedded Video of Senator Durbin
Jenn Dale, Faegre Baker Daniels

Living with DM: Patients Report on Changes Over Time

Video RecordingPresentation
Facilitator: Charles Thornton, MD, University of Rochester

Strategies for Managing Progression

Video RecordingPresentation
Cynthia Gagnon, PhD, OT, Université de Sherbrooke

Video RecordingPresentation
Missy Dixon, PhD, University of Utah

Consensus-based Care Recommendations: What Do They Mean for You?

Video RecordingPresentation
Facilitator: Jacinda Sampson, MD, PhD, Stanford University

Accelerating the Search for Therapies: What's Happening, What's Next

Video RecordingPresentation
Elizabeth Ackermann, PhD, MDF

Industry Updates on Drug Development

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Ranjan Batra, PhD, Locana

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Matthew Disney, PhD, Expansion Therapeutics

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Joseph Horrigan, MD, AMO Pharma Ltd.

Video RecordingPresentation
Laurence Mignon, PhD, Ionis Pharmaceuticals

Conference Q&A

Video Recording
Cynthia Gagnon, PhD, OT, Université de Sherbrooke
Laurie Gutmann, MD, University of Iowa
Charles Thornton, MD, University of Rochester
Laurence Mignon, PhD, Ionis Pharmaceuticals


Contact Myotonic via email or phone: 415-800-7777.