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Myotonic Dystrophy: Find a Doctor / Specialist

Finding a doctor, therapist or other medical professional who understands and has experience with myotonic dystrophy (DM) is one of the most important things you can do to help manage the unique symptoms of DM.

Here at MDF, we are continually seeking and adding clinicians to our worldwide database of clinicians. We rely on community members like you to help us expand this important resource. If you have worked with a DM clinician in your community who does not appear here, do let us know! And if you are seeking a medical professional and cannot find one near you, alert us and we’ll put out a call to our community of thousands.

Find a doctor or other medical professional in your area. Here are some tips to get the most out of our interactive map:

  1. Zoom into the interactive map to see all the medical professionals in a given area. Hold control and scroll your mouse wheel up and down, or click the plus sign to zoom in (see a smaller geographic area) and the minus sign to zoom out (see a larger geographic area).
  2. Filter by field of specialization by clicking on the icon to the left of "Find a Doctor". This expands the sidebar to show the map legend with checkboxes next to each category (e.g. Cardiology, Nuerology, Pulmonology, etc...).
  3. Expand the map by clicking the fullscreen icon in the upper right hand corner. This will open a new tab of the map in the expanded view with a search box. You can type your city, state or zip code to readjust the map. If there are no visible markers, try zooming out or searching a broader area (e.g. "California" instead of "San Diego).
  4. Star the map to save it to your Google Account. This allows you to access the Find a Doctor map through Google Maps on your mobile device. Access it though the main menu under "Your Places" and the "Maps" submenu.

By using the Find a Doctor tool, you are agreeing to the full terms & conditions.