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2021 Virtual MDF Annual Conference

Thank You for Joining Us at the 2021 Virtual MDF Annual Conference!

September 10th & 11th, 2021


Almost 700 of our incredible community members tuned in from all over the globe to make the 2021 Virtual MDF Annual Conference a huge success! We would like to thank all of our Speakers, Exhibitors, Sponsors, and Support Group Facilitators, who were critical partners in putting on this spectacular event.

About the Conference

The MDF Annual Conference unites the entire myotonic dystrophy (DM) community – those living with the disease, their family and friends, industry partners, clinicians and researchers, and everyone else focused on understanding and eliminating the burden associated with myotonic dystrophy.

Building on the record success at our first ever virtual Conference in 2020, this year MDF offered a unique opportunity to learn, connect, support, and empower the DM community.

DM Research Poster Showcase

Traditional poster sessions combine a visual representation of the findings of a paper/study – the poster - with the opportunity for individualized, informal discussion of the presenter’s work. MDF was thrilled to make this opportunity available at this year’s conference in a virtual format, in which special Web rooms were designed for attendees to view posters as well as to provide unopposed time for researchers to discuss their findings in a Zoom-like format with conference attendees, including other researchers, clinicians, individuals with DM, and their families. Click here to view all the Research Posters and Abstracts.

Watch the Recorded Sessions!

All recordings from the 2021 Virtual MDF Annual Conference are now publicly available to watch on demand! Re-watch and share your favorite presentations and learn more about myotonic dystrophy with our extensive catalog of video resources. Watch previous conference sessions, webinars, and technical explanations on DM. Find hope and inspiration from community members sharing their stories and learn about the impact of the Foundation. Click here to start exploring the MDF Digital Academy.

Click on hyperlinked titles below to access each sessions recording. Click here to watch all of the sessions from the 2021 MDF Annual Conference on YouTube.

Please note, any session title followed by an * was not recorded in order to protect the privacy of the live attendees.

General Sessions

The Conference incorporated many traditional events and session such as updates on drug development, highlights of recent successes and future goals of the foundation, and inspiring stories from the community.

Click here to watch all the General Sessions from the 2021 MDF Annual Conference.

Exercise & Movement

This track was designed by professional trainers to include modifications for community members of all abilities.

Click here to watch all the Exercise & Movement Sessions from the 2021 MDF Annual Conference.

Track 1: DM Type 1

This track was designed for individuals and families seeking to learn more about DM Type 1.

Click here to watch all the DM1 Track Sessions from the 2021 MDF Annual Conference.

Track 2: DM Type 2

This track was designed for individuals and families seeking to learn more about DM Type 2.

Click here to view all the DM2 Track Sessions from the 2021 MDF Annual Conference.

Track 3: Caregivers & Self-care

This track was designed for family members, caregivers, or those who are their own caregiver; also appropriate for individuals living with DM1 or DM2.

Click here to watch all the Caregivers & Self-care Track Sessions from the 2021 MDF Annual Conference.

Track 4: Professionals

This year's virtual conference will have a dedicated Professional Track specifically designed for clinicians, researchers, and industry experts. Session topics were developed based on direct feedback from professionals.

Click here to watch all of the Professional Track Sessions from the 2021 MDF Annual Conference.

Click here to download a printable Conference Agenda PDF.

Thank You to Our Conference Sponsors

Platinum Tier

Gold Tier

Silver Tier

Bronze Tier

Agenda & Tracks

The Conference officially kicked off Friday, September 10th and ended Saturday, September 11th, with sessions running from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Pacific Time each day. Click here to download a printable Conference Agenda PDF.

For the first time, the Conference had a “soft open” on Thursday, September 9th that included our First Timers’ Tea to orient and welcome those attending the Conference for the first time, as well as entertainment. By popular demand, more networking, sponsorship, and exhibitor opportunities were offered on all three days.

Session topics were developed based on direct feedback from the DM community through the 2020 conference evaluation surveys, our recent Strategic Planning survey, support group participants, and callers to the MDF Warmline. This year's virtual conference hosted a dedicated Professional Track specifically designed for clinicians, researchers, and industry experts.

The Conference will incorporated many traditional events and activities, including:

  • The First Timers’ Tea, a networking event for those who have not attended a Conference before to orient you to the Conference, MDF, and the DM community.
  • Welcome and State of the Foundation to learn about recent successes and future goals of the foundation, plus ways to get involved and help achieve the mission.
  • Stories of Inspiration from the DM Community.
  • Exercise & Movement Activities, professionally facilitated sessions with modifications for community members of all abilities.
  • “Stump the Expert” sessions with leading DM scientists and clinicians.
  • Meet the Board of Directors! Join a pair of MDF Board members eager to answer your questions and update you on the latest from MDF or visit them during the Exhibitor Showcase!. Click here to learn more about MDF's Board Members and their commitment to the organization.
  • Updates from DM Drug Developers.
  • The Closing Dance Party! Want to rock out to our communiy's favorite songs? Click here to listen to the 2021 Conference Party Playlist on Spotify!

By popular demand, the 2021 Conference incorporated new topics for MDF Community Panels for those: living with DM1; living with DM2; DM Caregivers; Congenital DM Families; Juvenile-onset Adults; and Military Veterans living with DM. These sessions featured panels of individuals with experience, compassion, and knowledge to offer their peers, and provided space for you to share your own stories, tips, and questions.

Daily Agenda

Click here to download a printable Conference Agenda PDF. Subject to change as speakers and sessions are confirmed. Hover over each session for more information.

Thursday, September 9th

Time Session
3:00 - 4:00 PM Ask-the-MDF-Staff Live
4:00 - 5:30 PM First Timers' Tea

Friday, September 10th

Time Session
8:00 - 8:50 AM Adaptive Yoga
9:00 - 9:50 AM Welcome & State of the Foundation
10:00 - 11:15 AM DM1: Disease Development, Symptoms, & Management DM2: Disease Development, Symptoms, & Management Acceptance & Commitment: Strategies for Good Mental Health Repeat Instability & Stabilization
11:15 - 11:30 AM Break
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Adaptive Strength Training JOA: Getting to Know One Another Exhibitor Showcase Research Funding Opportunities & First Look at New DM Data
Research Poster Showcase
12:45 - 1:00 PM Break
1:00 - 1:45 PM Industry Updates Part 1
1:45 - 2:00 PM Break
2:00 - 3:15 PM State of DM1 Research & Ways to Engage State of DM2 Research & Ways to Engage Talking about DM to Children, Family Members, & Doctors Mechanistic Aspects of the Heart & CNS
3:15 - 3:30 PM Break
3:30 - 3:50 PM Special Performance by Singer-songwriter Eric Hutchinson
4:00 - 5:00 PM

Facilitated Networking

DM1 DM2 Caregivers CDM Families JOA DM Professionals

Exhibitor Showcase

Saturday, September 11th

Time Session
8:00 - 8:50 AM Exercise & Movement Activity Exhibitor Showcase
9:00 - 10:15 AM Day 2 Welcome: Stories of Inspiration
10:15 - 10:30 AM Break
10:30 - 11:45 AM Clinical Trial Readiness Workshop Clinical Trial Readiness Workshop Advocacy & Awareness Workshop - Get Ready for International DM Awareness Day Gene Editing & DM
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Break
12:00 - 12:50 PM Sit Fit JOA: Games & Networking Exhibitor Showcase Research Updates on DM2 from the Disney Lab & RAN Proteins as a Therapeutic Target
Research Poster Showcase
1:00 - 1:45 PM Industry Updates Part 2
1:45 - 2:00 PM Break
2:00 - 3:15 PM Stump the Expert - DM1 Stump the Expert - DM2 Stump the Expert - Health Insurance Clinical Updates: Cardiac Management, DM Clinical Research Network, & Brain Manifestations of DM1
3:15 - 3:30 PM Break
3:30 - 4:45 PM

Living Your Best Life: Community Panels

DM1 DM2 Caregivers CDM Families JOA Veterans

4:45 - 5:00 PM Break
5:00 - 6:00 PM Dance Party! Networking Lounge Exhibitor Showcase

