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Andrew Gulch Memorial Golf Outing

15th Annual Andrew Gulch Memorial Golf Outing

Saturday, August 16th, 2025

Whiteford Valley Golf Club
7980 Beck Rd, Ottawa Lake, MI

More Information Coming Soon!

The Andrew Gulch Memorial Golf Outing is a hockey themed golf outing that is held annually in the Toledo area, on the last Saturday before the start of the College Football Season. The main goal of the event is to generate funds to support research for treatments and a cure for families and individuals living with myotonic dystrophy (DM). The event is in memory of the Gulch's son, Andrew, who was born with myotonic dystrophy and passed away in 2001.

Since 2011, the Gulch's have raised over $148,000.00 through this golf outing and all of its many fun activities!

Be sure to visit the Andrew Gulch Memorial Golf Outing Facebook Page for the latest updates on the event!

In Memory of Andrew Gulch

This event is a tribute to Andrew. On December 31, 2001, Andrew was born and struggled to live…25 days later he passed away from unknown causes. Several years later, Andrew’s mother and older brother Nicholas were diagnosed with myotonic dystrophy (DM). Feeling an immediate need to do something, the Golf Outing was designed with two goals:

  1. To raise money to find a cure for myotonic dystrophy.
  2. To allow Andrew’s name to live on and be celebrated throughout the years!