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Ask-the-Expert: Disability Rights, Future Planning & Special Needs Trusts

August 19th, 2022
12:00 PM Pacific

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Do you have questions for DM doctors and therapists? Join a leading medical or research professional for an “Ask-the-Expert” session on Disability Rights, Future Planning & Special Needs Trusts. All members of the DM community are welcome to attend and are encouraged to ask questions in advance using this registration form or through the chat during the live Q&A. Click here to register now and submit your questions in advance!

Speakers to include:

Benjamin "Benji" Rubin, Esq., graduated from the University of Illinois College of Law, Magna Cum Laude, received his undergraduate degree from Northwestern University, and his Graduate Law Degree, an LLM (Tax), with honors, also from Northwestern University. Benji is a member of the Academy of Special Needs Planners, a member, by invitation, of the Special Needs Alliance (the national not for profit association of special needs planning attorneys with membership by invitation only), is Chairman of the American Bar Association Special Needs Planning Committee, serves as the President of SIBS (Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters), the Illinois chapter of the national Sibling Leadership Network, an organization of adult siblings of individuals with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities and/or mental illness. Benji is a member and officer (Treasurer) of the Board of Directors of The Arc of Illinois, is a member of the Clearbrook Associate Board, an organization serving more than 8,000 individuals with disabilities, including his brother, Mitchell, serves on the Board of Directors of DayOne PACT, which serves as Trustee of Special Needs Trusts as well as Guardian for individuals with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities and/or mental illness, serves on the Board of Directors of the Foundation of The Special Education District of Lake County (SEDOL Foundation).

Click here to find all our upcoming “Ask-the-Expert” question sessions!

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