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A recent study corroborated increased susceptibility to cancer in DM1, for women in particular, and linked the elevated risk to depressed levels of a tumor suppressor microRNA (miRNA). 

A recent study corroborated increased susceptibility to cancer in DM1, for women in particular, and linked the elevated risk to depressed levels of a tumor suppressor microRNA (miRNA). 

A recent study corroborated increased susceptibility to cancer in DM1, for women in particular, and linked the elevated risk to depressed levels of a tumor suppressor microRNA (miRNA). 

A recent study corroborated increased susceptibility to cancer in DM1, for women in particular, and linked the elevated risk to depressed levels of a tumor suppressor microRNA (miRNA). 

Many common DM symptoms become more severe during pregnancy, and women with DM have higher than average miscarriage rates, according to a study commissioned by MDF that examined data from the Myotonic Dystrophy Family Registry and the National Registry for DM and FSHD.

New research on the impact of the mother's age on congenitally affected offspring.

New research on the impact of the mother's age on congenitally affected offspring.

New research on the impact of the mother's age on congenitally affected offspring.