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Caregivers of Children with CDM Support Group

Join us for a Virtual Meeting of the Caregivers of Children with CDM Support Group!

Third Sunday of Every Other Month
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Pacific Time

Click here to register to join the Zoom!
Once you’ve registered, use the link in your confirmation email to join any of the upcoming meetings. 
If you do not receive a confirmation email, please reach out to


You're invited to a virtual support group for parents or guardians of children living with myotonic dystrophy! Join us in a confidential, supportive space for parents and guardians to share and connect. Share this event with your friends on Facebook!

To ask a question or RSVP, please contact support group facilitators Loraine Dressler at 714-278-2359 or by email & Sarah Berman by email. To share your contact information with Loraine & Sarah, please fill out this form.

We hope to see you soon!
