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MDF Advocacy Workshop - Rare Disease Month 2023

Join us for our annual Rare Disease Day Advocacy Workshop! Everyone in the myotonic dystrophy community is invited to learn more about our advocacy priorities and how you can help increase federal funding for myotonic dystrophy research.

As the new Congress begins work on the fiscal year 2024 budget that includes important federal biomedical research funding, MDF advocates from across the country will be urging our U.S. Senators to include DM as an eligible research condition under the Peer Review Medical Research Program (PRMRP) for the 7th year in a row. Our advocacy has helped DM researchers secure $16 million in new myotonic dystrophy research funding since our inclusion in the program which has helped advance our understanding of this rare genetic disorder. Together, we are changing the world and improve the lives of everyone living with DM.

Find our latest advocacy resources and templates below:

Click here to find all of MDF's advocacy resources.