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DM Community Happy Hour - BYOB!

Join us for a Virtual DM Community Happy Hour!

Every Friday at 4:00 PM PST // 7:00 PM EST

Join the Zoom Meeting:

Zoom Meeting ID: 856 5856 3179
Passcode: 365040
Click here to find your local call in number.

Tired after a long week? Relax with your friends at our virtual happy hour! Join MDF Support Group Facilitators Mindy Kim and Kristen McClintock for a series of virtual happy hours catered to your friends and family in the DM Community!

BYOB and join us for drinks (with or without alcohol) and conversation with all your DM community friends.

  • Dress to impress (you can dress up your top half and wear sweats underneath)
  • Invite your DM community friends only (only people who get it and caregivers) who are over 18.
  • Engage in fun casual conversation - No topics, no speakers just relaxed natural conversation - a break from the rest of the world.

Questions? Contact Mindy for Zoom instructions or other meeting information by email or by phone at (336)416-2945. To share your contact information with Mindy and Kristen, please fill out this form.

RSVP on Facebook

We hope to see you soon!
