Jeremy Kelly, Chairman, came to the states from England for college and now lives in Mill Valley, California with his American wife, Erica, and two young sons, Jack and Ben, both of whom have childhood-onset myotonic dystrophy. Like many individuals, Erica – with the mild form - might never have known she has this disorder had her children not been more affected than she. After an 18 year career at JPMorgan, Jeremy recently joined the management team of Provident Funding. As of May 2007, he started a one-man fundraising effort by seeking pledges for his daily bike commute - 32 miles round trip – with the goal of reaching 5,000 miles in one year. His idea has proven successful with over $150,000 raised! He's also spearheaded securing $450,000 to create a solid financial foundation for MDF for the next three years. In attendance at IDMC-5 in Quebec, he is also a founding member and served as the Treasurer from 2006 to 2009. Learn more about the Kelly Family and their Diagnostic Odyssey.