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Kathie Thorsland

Mountain West Regional Support Group

Kathie Thorsland is the new Support Group Facilitator for the Mountain West Region, which covers the 7 states of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. She and her husband moved 7 times in their first 14 years of marriage, but Denver, Colorado has been home for over three decades now. Kathie’s husband, Bruce, was diagnosed with DM1 at age 52 and passed away in 2010 at age 57 from DM complications following a fall. Her son, Drew, was diagnosed with DM1 in 2011 at age 19 and lives with her. They have been members of the MDF Denver/Mountain West Support Group since 2015. Kathie answered the call to serve the DM Community and follow in the footsteps of Kay Hayes, when she retired early in 2024 from her role as our Support Group Facilitator. Kathie’s son would tell you that her hobby is volunteering, but in her free time, she loves to read and watch anything Science Fiction (but not horror!).