Lois Schenk is the new Co-Facilitator for the Finger Lakes and Upstate New York Regional Support Group, where Emily Jones is her fearless leader, teacher and friend. Her family has a history with DM reaching back to 1994 when all four of my children were diagnosed with DM1. A few years later Lois’s husband was diagnosed, and in 2004 their grandson was born with CDM. Much of Lois’s energy these days is spent helping her children as their condition progresses, and researching community/government services. She also does volunteer work at the New Apostolic Church and the Open Door Mission, both here in Rochester, NY. Lois and her family enjoy camping in the Adirondack Mountains and they have a large trailer that accommodates all of their family members who are still able to go (this will be Lois’s 71st year at the same campground with extended family now into the fifth generation), and Lois and her husband also greatly enjoyed some Viking cruises in Europe and the Mediterranean.