Significant breathing problems that can result from muscle weakness of the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles and myotonia of these muscles.
Poor ventilatory force, low blood oxygen and elevated blood carbon dioxide levels.
Fatigue, excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and respiratory failure.
Insufficient air flow during sleep may contribute to disrupted sleep.
Weakness of the swallowing and breathing muscles.
Aspiration of food and drink, saliva, nasal secretions and stomach fluids.
General anesthesia and intravenous pain medications, especially opiates, can cause respiratory failure.
Ineffective cough.
Recurrent pulmonary infections.
Frequent chest infections.
Morning headaches, apnea, fatigue and snoring.
Discuss the following tests with your doctor:
Sleep study
Respiratory tests
Clearance capacity
Careful perioperative management.
Vaccinations for influenza and pneumonia if no contraindications.
Respiratory cough assistance and mechanical ventilation (as needed).
Consultations from respiratory therapy and pulmonary medicine groups as needed.
Airway clearance and lung volume recruitment techniques (e.g., breath stacking, abdominal thrust, the vest).
Nighttime ventilatory support and full-time ventilation.
Supplemental oxygen.
Emergency medical alert devices.