Shaun Moore, a DM1 Warrior, co-hosts the Affected Men's Support Group. Shaun lives with his wife, dog, cat, chickens and lots of wildlife, in a 100 year old barn they completely converted to a house on a small farmstead in the Appalachian Mountains near Asheville North Carolina. Shaun took a scenic route on his way to graduating from Purdue University with a BS in Natural Resources and Environmental Science. He has since spent 20 years in the stream and forest restoration business, the last 10 as a well-known small business owner and member of several community organization boards. You used to frequently find Shaun biking, whitewater kayaking, backpacking, fishing and hunting in the western North Carolina rivers and mountains. Now you're more likely to find him fishing or just relaxing at his ponds, watching biking and baseball on tv - and occasionally in person, watching wildlife, and making friends online. Shaun really looks forward to meeting new friends through the Men's Support Group.