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University of Iowa Launches Brain Imaging Study

Published on Thu, 03/10/2016

The University of Iowa’s DM1 Brain Imaging Research Group is excited to announce that its study (previously in a pilot phase of data collection) has been awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to fund a 3-year longitudinal study of adults with a family history of DM1. 

This study seeks to identify, measure and track over time common symptoms and changes in the brain that may be happening to individuals living with DM1 and those at risk for DM1. 

The study is looking for adults aged 18 through 65 years old and living in the US who either:

1)    Have been diagnosed with DM1 after the age of 21 OR
2)    Have not been diagnosed with DM1 but have a family history of DM1 (i.e. are “at-risk” for developing DM1)

Research participants will be invited to come to the University of Iowa, located in Iowa City, Iowa, for three yearly study visits, each lasting about 8 hours. Study participants will be compensated for their time and travel.  

Eligible persons interested in participating should contact Stephen Cross, the Research Associate for this study, directly at (319) 384-9391 or email. Learn more about research trials and studies, and read about Dr. Ian DeVolver's study on the brain