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Washington Virtual Support Group

Join us for a Virtual Washington Myotonic Dystrophy Support Group!

Every Quarter
5:00 - 6:30 PM Pacific Time

Click here to register for the Zoom!

You are invited to a virtual meeting for the Washington Myotonic Dystrophy Community! Join MDF Support Group Facilitators, Cindy Hubert and Jonathan Freedman every quarter.  Adults with DM1, DM2, and their Caregivers are all welcome. Share this event with your friends on Facebook!

Once you’ve registered, use the link in your confirmation email to join any of the upcoming meetings. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please reach out to

Upcoming Meetings:

  • February 10th
  • May 12th
  • August 11th
  • November 10th

Notes from Support Group Co-Facilitators, Cindy Hubert and Jonathan Freedman: We look forward to sharing experiences about diagnosis, treatment, and management of myotonic dystrophy. Have you attended a recent webinar, have a resource or information to share, or just have something in particular you would like to talk about? Please join us!


For additional information or to contact facilitators, please contact MDF by email at or by phone at 415-800-7777.

We hope to see you soon!
